
  • 2021Ruigendijk, E., De Belder, M. & Schippers, A. Inleiding in de Nederlandse Taalkunde. Voor aankomende neerlandici intra en extra muros. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Schippers, A. & Hoeksema, J. Langeafstandsverplaatsing in het Nederlands, en Duits: de sandwich ontleed. [Long-distance movement in Dutch, English and German: the deconstructed sandwich]. Nederlandse Taalkunde 26(1): 41-78.
  • 2020Schippers, A., Vogelzang, M & Öwerdieck, D. COMP-trace effects in German: the role of processing. Nordlyd 44: 117 - 132.
  • 2019Schippers, A. Comp-trace revisited: an indirect dependency analysis. Manuscript.
  • 2016Schippers, A. Partial wh-movement and wh-copying in Dutch: Evidence for an indirect dependency approach. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society.  
  • 2012Schippers, A. Some people are repeaters. Medial copy spell-out in long-distance wh-dependencies. In C. Constantinescu, B. le Bruyn & K. Linke (Eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE XVII (pp. 269-288).
  • Hoeksema, J. & Schippers, A. Diachronic changes in long-distance dependencies: the case of Dutch. In A. van Kemenade & N. de Haas (Eds.), Historical Linguistics 2009: Selected papers from the 19th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Nijmegen, 10-14 August 2009 (pp. 155 – 170). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Schippers, A. Variation and change in Germanic long-distance dependencies. PhD Dissertation, University of Groningen.
  • 2011Schippers, A. & Brands, M. Effects of complexity on the acceptability of long-distance wh-dependencies. In Zeldes, A. & Lüdeling, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of Quantitative Approaches in Linguistics 4. (pp. 83 – 86).
  • Schippers, A. & Hoeksema, J. Variation in long-distance dependencies. In F. Gregersen, J. Parrot & P. Quist (Eds.), Language Variation – European perspectives III (pp. 123-134). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • 2010Schippers, A. On the (un)availability of long-distance movement. In V. Torrens, L. Escobar, A. Gavarró & J. Gutierrez-Mangado (Eds.), Movement and Clitics (pp. 40-63). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Schippers, A. Copy what? In C. Zwart & M. De Vries (Eds.), Structure preserved: studies in syntax for Jan Koster (pp. 313-320). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


  • 2022With Andreas Hiemstra & Esther Ruigendijk. Long-distance wh-dependencies in L3 German speakers of Dutch. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 2022, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 22 – 24 September.
  • With Esther Ruigendijk: Welke vraagzin denk jij dat acceptabel is? Over de acceptabiliteit van langeafstandsvraagzinnen en de rol van casusmarkering. A Germanic Sandwich 2022, Universität zu Köln, 17 – 18 March.
  • (With Esther Ruigendijk): COMP-trace effects in German and the role of processing. The mirror asymmetry: Long-distance subject/object asymmetries from a theoretical and empirical perspective, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 22 August.
  • (With Andreas Hiemstra): Long-distance asymmetries in native and L3 Dutch. The mirror asymmetry: Long-distance subject/object asymmetries from a theoretical and empirical perspective, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 22 August.
  • With Andreas Hiemstra: Langeafstandsvragen in L1 en L3 Nederlands. A Germanic Sandwich 2022, Universität zu Köln, 17 – 18 March.
  • 2020(with Margreet Vogelzang & Esther Ruigendijk): Processing COMP-trace violations in German: implications for syntax. The 33rd Annual CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference, Amherst MA, 19-21 March. (Online poster presentation).
  • (with Margreet Vogelzang & David Öwerdieck). Processing COMP-trace violations in German. Linguistic Evidence 2020, Feb. 13-15, Tübingen. (Poster presentation).
  • 2019(with Esther Ruigendijk & Margreet Vogelzang). Subject/object asymmetries and intervention: the role of case. Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Palma de Mallorca, 26-28 June.
  • (with Margreet Vogelzang & David Öwerdieck). 'Good enough' processing in locally case-ambiguous German long-distance wh-questions: Evidence from self-paced reading. Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Palma de Mallorca, 26-28 June.
  • (with Esther Ruigendijk & Margreet Vogelzang). Subject/object asymmetries and intervention: the role of case. 40th TABU-dag, University of Groningen, 20-21 June.
  • (with Marie Schnieders). Two grammars, one speaker: the case of Low German verbal clusters. 40th TABU-dag, University of Groningen, 20-21 June. (Poster presentation)
  • (with Margreet Vogelzang & David Öwerdieck). 'Good enough' processing in locally case-ambiguous German long-distance wh-questions: Evidence from self-paced reading. 40th TABU-dag, University of Groningen, 20-21 June. (Poster presentation).
  • (with Margreet Vogelzang & David Öwerdieck). COMP-trace effects in German: The role of processing. 34th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, University of Konstanz, 14-15 June.
  • (with Marie Schnieders). Two grammars, one speaker: the case of Low German verbal clusters. Small languages, big ideas: the smaller Germanic languages from a theoretical perspective, University of Zürich, April 4-5.
  • 2018English long-distance subject extractions: indirect dependencies in disguise. Long-distance dependencies, Georg-August Universität Göttingen & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, October 4 – 5.
  • That-trace revisited: an indirect dependency analysis. Recent Issues in the Syntax of Questions (RISQ), Universität Konstanz, October 8 -10.
  • 2017On the variability of COMP-trace effects: a processing explanation. 32nd  Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, September 13-15.
  • Generalized that-effect. Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Menorca, June 28-30.
  • 2016Negative island violations: *?#how bad are(n't) they really? Workshop ‘Gradienz im Spannungsfeld von empirischen Methoden und Grammatiktheorie’, 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, University of Konstanz, February 24 – 26.
  • 2014(with Simone Gieselman): Negative intervention effects in German long-distance dependencies revisited. Linguistics Evidence, Feb. 13-15, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
  • 2010Partial wh-movement and wh-copying in Dutch: Evidence for an Indirect Dependency Approach. The 36th Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, CA, Feb 6-7.
  • 2009(with Jack Hoeksema): The diachrony of long-distance movement in Dutch. ICLAVE 5, Copenhagen.
  • Spelling out intermediate copies. CONSOLE XVII, June 18th, Nova Gorica.
  • 2008On the (un)availability of long-distance A'-movement. Linguistic Institute workshop Facing Movement, Aug. 23, University Pompeu Fabreu, Barcelona.